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We are always looking for Volunteers to donate a few hours of their day to help out during the Festival. Without the volunteers who donate so much of their time preparing for the festival, and working during the festival, the festival would not be as good as it is. Most volunteers usually donate 2 hours of their time, through various hours of the day. You can donate more than 2 hours and help out more than one day. Here are some of the tasks that our volunteers do. Entrance booth, pop tent and kitchen help, Like smashing strawberries, making pies, shakes, strawberry shortcake and serving customers. If you are interested in donating any of your time please contact Holly at 419-574-8949. To show our appreciation to all of the volunteers who donate their time. In July we will have an appreciation dinner for all the volunteers plus one guest. We have the appreciation dinner at the homecoming park where we will have a DJ and give away door prizes.   

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